Giao Điểm Humanitarian Foundation (GDHF)
Giao Diem Humanitarian Foundation (GDHF) is a California-based, non-profit, tax-exempt organization that has provided humanitarian services in Vietnam since 1991.
With its on-going projects, GDHF has been acting as a link to connect the unfortunate people in the rural areas of Vietnam with those in other countries who want to alleviate the suffering resulting from years of war and destruction. Assisted by valuable partners, such as AmeriCares Foundation and Abbott Fund, as well as by its own network of friends and associates in Vietnam, GDHF has coordinated its humanitarian efforts in the country with emphases being placed in the most impoverished provinces, notably in the Central and the Highland areas.
Since it’s establishment, GDHF’s principal focuses have been:
To provide financial and nutritional support through the Classrooms of Compassion project.
To support orphanages and nursing homes.
To offer medicine and financial assistance to free clinics.
To assist the victims of natural disasters.
True to its humanitarian and non-profit spirit, GDHF commits to honoring its benefactors’ wishes by transferring 100% of every donation to the intended projects. There are categorically NO overhead expenses paid for by donors’ contributions. All expenses of GDHF representatives, such as lodging, transportation, and food are covered by their own money or by funding from other sources.
Since 2006, in addition to its generous yearly in-kind donations of Pediasure, Abbott Fund has begun to coordinate with AmeriCares Foundation to provide funding specifically to GDHF’s Pediatric Nutrition Project.